Friday, March 21, 2008

Conversation this morning

I was making oatmeal for Sophie, and Caleb asked why he couldn't have a bowl too. I explained he had already eaten two bowls of cereal, and it was time to leave for school. Kiera pipes in that oatmeal is good for you. " Yes." Caleb replies. " It lowers your cholesterol." " yeah" says Kiera
" Grandma needs to eat it, because I know her cholesterol is high. " Well, " says Caleb " Grandpa must have high cholesterol, because he eats it every morning." " Well, I want to be a ballerina when I grow up! " Pipes in Sophie. That was our morning conversation.


Anonymous said...

LOL. Yep, I did. Thanks for the smile. And thanks again for the great pics and just for hanging out with me and Everything!! Hope your life returns to some sense of normalcy quickly. And that Sophie Bean does not become a ballerina, because that is one profession withan obsession on image....

Carrie said...

This sounds so much like our mornings, except we have more arguing about someone saying something the other doesn't agree with!!!